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​Eyes and their tales from seventeenth-century Rome

With «Gli Occhi di ch'io parlai», we would like to invite our public to a gallery of sounds, with a programme written by composers who enjoyed the Barberini patronage, as accounted in several contemporary sources from the period of Urban VIII's papacy. The thematic of eyes lay in the center of each vocal compositions chosen for the project.

In our programme there are two earlier composers as well, in the person of Pomponio Nenna and Claudio Monteverdi. Although these two composers had not worked under the Barberini patronage, several sources confirm that their compositions had been performed in the Barberini circles, and their music appeared in the repertoire of the Barberini's «Accademia delle viole» as well as in G. B. Doni's Compendio.

Works by Luigi Rossi, Mazzochi brothers, J. H. Kapsberger, Stefano Landi, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Cherubio Waesich, Pomponio Nenna and Claudio Monteverdi.

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